Art. 1. Organization
The organization is run by Elitechip SL, and they organize the Fornells 10 KM, to be held on April 9, 2022.
Art. 2. Distance
The distances will be 10 km. (10,000 meters).
Art. 3. Route
The race will start at Camí de Tramuntana, at the entrance to Binimel·la, and will end in Fornells. The service area (cloakroom, food service, etc.) will be located in the Meta area.
Art. 4. Categories
The categories, both male and female, of the 10 km Fornells are the following:
• Absolute
• Senior (Up to 39 years old)
• Junior (Born in 2000-2001)
• Veterans 40 (From 40 to 49 years old)
• Veterans 50 (From 50 to 59 years old)
• Veterans 60 (From 60 years old)
A category will be considered formed when there is an enrollment of more than 3 athletes per category; When a category is made up of less than 3 athletes, it will become part of the lower age category, never higher age.
Art. 5. Minimum Age
The minimum age to participate will be 16 years old at 10 km from Fornells with parental authorization for minors.
Art. 6. Classifications
The following classifications will be established: an absolute general, another by categories, which determine the winners of each category in order of arrival at the finish line.
Art. 7. Schedule
The departure time will be at 17:30 on the Camí de Tramuntana and the maximum time to complete the route will be 1:40 hours.
Art. 8. Delivery of numbers
El lliurament de dorsals es farà el mateix dissabte des de les 15:00 a les 16:30h a la zona de meta a Fornells.
Art. 9. Registrations
There will be no preferential admission fee for the registration process. Registrations must be made before 8:00 pm on April 8, through the website
Art. 9.1.- Price
10 km Fornells – The registration price is 15 euros until April 3. From April 4, registration will cost € 18. (these prices include the bus) In these prices there is an increase of € 1 for all non-federated athletes in the athletics federation.
Art. 9.2. Out of time
All registrations after the deadline will have a price of € 25.
Art. 9.3. Chips rental
All athletes who do not own a yellow chip must pay € 2 for rent, the chip will be returned at the end of the race in the Elitechip tents.
9.4. Way to pay
The form of payment can be made at the same time that the registration is made, with a credit card. Registrations that are not accompanied by their corresponding payment receipt will not be accepted. In the event that a registration is made and for justifiable reasons you cannot participate, the organization will reserve your place for the next edition. In no case will there be a partial or complete return of the registration.
Art. 10. Trophies Gifts
There will be a trophy for the first 3 classified in the absolute general category and for the first 3 classified in each category.
Art. 11. Security
The security of the test will be covered by the competent authorities of the place (Civil Guard, Local Police, Civil Protection), and by the organization’s security service. The test will have a career doctor and the Red Cross service, with two ambulances located on the test route.
Art. 12. Control
The control of the Test will be in charge of the judge Referee delegate of the R.F.I.A. and by the committee of judges of the F.A.I.B, who will be in charge of the control and classifications. The control of results will be carried out by means of the Champion system.
Art. 13. Acceptance of regulations
The simple fact of registering the test implies full acceptance of these regulations, as well as other provisions that the organization may determine for any reason. The organization of the event is not responsible for all situations or actions that may arise outside its competence or for which it is not directly responsible.
Art. 14. Bus Service
All athletes will have to go to the start area on the Camí de Tramuntana with the bus that will be set up by the organization. This service is mandatory and enters the website with the registration price. The bus will leave at 4.45 pm at the Fornells bus stop.