Art. 1. Organization – In charge of the company Elitechip SL, the Club Menorca Atletisme, the Delegation in Menorca of the FAIB, the Sports Department of the Consell Insular de Menorca, the City Council of Ciutadella de Menorca, organize the X 10 km Illa de Menorca and the XXI Mitja Marató “Illa de Menorca”, to be held on October 30, 2022.

Art. 2.- Distance – The distances in meters will be those corresponding to the 10 km and half marathon (21,097 meters).

Art.3.- Route – The route will take place on an urban circuit along the promenade of the port of Ciutadella and the old town; the start and finish line will be located in Plaça del Borne de Ciutadella. This will consist of a circuit of about 10,000 meters and you will have to make 1 lap to complete the distance of 10,000 m and 2 laps to complete the distance of 21,097 meters. The provisioning area will be located in the Meta area. In this edition the circuit will be completely closed to traffic and marked with cones and tape.

Art.4.- Categories. – The categories of the XXI Mitja Marató Illa de Menorca are the following:

SUB-20  (Year of birth 2003-2004)

SUB-23    (Year of birth 2000-2002)

Senior (Up to 34 years)

Veterans 35 (From 35 to 39 years old)

Veterans 40 (40 to 44 years old)

Veterans 45 (45 to 49 years old)

Veterans 50 (From 50 to 54 years old)

Veterans 55 (55 to 59 years old)

Veterans 60 (From 60 to 64 years old)

Veterans 65 (65+)

– The categories of the X 10 Km Illa de Menorca are the following:

SUB-20  (Year of birth 2003-2004-2005-2006)

SUB-23    (Year of birth 2000-2002)

Senior (Up to 39 years old)

Veterans 40 (+ 40 years)

Veterans 50 (+ 50 years)

Special category firefighters

A category will be considered formed when there is an enrollment of more than 3 athletes per category; When a category is made up of less than 3 athletes, it will become part of the lower age category, never higher age.

Art. 5.- Minimum Age – The minimum age to participate will be 18 years old on the same day of the event, and no minor athlete will be allowed to participate. In the 10 km test, the minimum age will be 16 years.

Art. 6.- Classifications – The following classifications will be established; an absolute general, another by categories, which will determine the winners of each category in order of arrival at the finish line.

Art. 7.- Schedule – The start time of the races will be at 10:00 h and they will have a maximum time to complete the route of: 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete the 10 km and 2 hours 30 minutes for the half marathon

Art. 8.- Delivery of bibs – Delivery of bibs will take place at the ATLEET – AB Esports store located in Ciutadella, on Saturday from 10am to 2pm. For non-residents, you can collect the number on the Sunday of the race from 08:00 hours in the enabled tent located in Plaça del Born

ATLEET – AB Esports store  check the location here. 

Art. 9.- Registrations – Registrations must be made before October 29, 2022, at 10:00 p.m., visiting the WEB page or

Art. 9.1.- Price:

XI 10 km Illa de Menorca – The registration fee is 12 euros until 09-27-2022. Between September 28 and October 25, 2022, the registration price will be 15 euros, and from October 26 to October 29, 2022, the registration price will be 19 euros.

XXII Mitja Marató Illa de Menorca – The registration fee is 18 euros until 109-27-2022. Between September 28 and October 25, 2022, the registration fee will be € 21, and from October 26 to October 29, 2022, the registration fee will be € 25.

– In these prices there is an increase of 1 euro to all non-federated athletes in the athletics federation.

Art. 9.2.- After the deadline – All registrations received after 19-Oct-2022 will have a price of 30 euros.

Art.9.3.- Reusable White Chip – All athletes who do not own a Yellow Chip must pay 2 euros to obtain a reusable white chip. The chip must be returned at the end of the test.

Art.9.4.- Form of payment – The form of payment can be made at the same time that the registration is made, with a credit card. Registrations that are not accompanied by their corresponding payment receipt will not be accepted. In the event that a registration is made and for justifiable reasons you cannot participate, the organization will return 75% of the registration made, up to 1 week before the start of the competition.

Art. 10.- Trophies Gifts – There will be a trophy for the first 3 classified in the absolute general category and for the first 3 classified in each category. THE PRIZES ARE NOT ACCUMULATIVE.

Art. 10.1. When picking up the number you will be presented with some details by the organization. All athletes who complete the course will receive a commemorative gift. A digital diploma will be made accrediting your time and the place achieved in the general classification and by categories.

Art. 11.- Security – The security of the event will be covered by the competent authorities of the place (Local Police, Civil Protection), and by the organization’s security service. The test will have a career doctor and the service of the Red Cross.

Art. 12.- Control – The control of the Test will be in charge of the committee of judges of the F.A.I.B, ​​who will be in charge of the control and classifications. The control of results will be carried out through the ChampionChip System.

Art. 13.- Image rights. The organization will be able to use images, videos and sound of the participants during the test, including moments before and after, from the collection of numbers, delivery of prizes and transfer of the participants.

Art. 14.- Acceptance of regulations – The simple fact of registering the test implies full acceptance of these regulations, as well as other provisions that the organization may determine for any reason. The organization of the event is not responsible for all situations or actions that may arise outside its competence or for which it is not directly responsible.

Art.15.- Claims – Any claim must be addressed to the referee of the test in writing, within 30 minutes of the publication of the official results and accompanied by a payment of € 100 for acceptance. In the event that the claim is approved, the amount of said claim will be returned.


Art. 1. Organization – A càrrec de l’Empresa Elitechip SL and the Club Menorca Atletisme Intersport, the Delegation to Menorca of the FAIB, the Department of Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca, l’Ajuntament de Ciutadella de Menorca, organize the XXI Popular Cursa “Illa de Menorca”, to celebrate the proper diumenge October 30, 2022 at 10:00 p.m. at Plaça del Born in Ciutadella de Menorca.

Art. 2. Type of competition – The competition lasts for the term according to the route regulations of the Balearic Athletics Federation of the Balearic Islands for the 2022 season

Art.3.- Route – The route is carried out in the center of Ciutadella from the Plaça des Born and arrived at the Mateix Lloc at a distance of 4500 meters. For the lower categories it will enable a tour Special adaptat to the different ages. (Degut to the incidence of COVID-19, enguany no hi haurà serveis de Finish Experience to post goal, it is farà delivery of a bossa with supplies and products of the sponsors). The servei of guard-rob and physiotherapy only is performed in justified case and extreme necessitat, previous notice. In this edition, the circuit will be completely tancat with traffic and signaling with the tape.

Art. 4. Categories – The categories of the XXI Popular Cursa Illa de Menorca are the following:

Male and female

Baby Years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

SUB-08 Years 2015-2016

SUB-10 Years 2013-2014
SUB-12 Years 2011-2012
SUB-14 Years 2009-2010
SUB-16 Years 2007-2008
SUB-20 Years 2003-2006

Senior (year of birthdate 2002 to 1981)

Master (more than 40 )

Art. 5. Classifications – They establish the classifications per categories, which will determine the guanyadors of each category by order of arrival at the goal.

Art. 6. Time – The sortida is held at 10:00 am at Plaça del Born in Ciutadella together with the XXII Mitja Marató Illa de Menorca and 10 km. Starting at 12:30 pm the categories will run, Sub8, Sub10, Sub12, Sub14.

Art. 7.- Delivery of bibs – Delivery of bibs will take place at the ATLEET – AB Esports store located in Ciutadella, from Wednesday, October 26 to Saturday, October 29. Delivery will be made at the following business hours: Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 1:30 pm and from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Saturday from 10am to 2pm. For non-residents and registrations that are processed from Wednesday, you can collect the number on the Sunday of the race from 08:00 hours in the enabled tent located in Plaça del Born check the location here.

Art. 8. Registration – Registrations must be made before October 29, 2022 at 22:00, on the website The registration fee is 5 euros (+ 2 € for the reusable white chip) Payment of registration will be made by credit card through the web.

Art. 9. Trophies and Gifts – There will be trophies for the top three finishers in each category. Upon removing the bib the runners will receive the runner’s bag with a gift from the organization. All those who at the end of the tour they will receive a commemorative gift.

Art. 10.- Security – The security of the event will be covered by the competent authorities of the place (Local Police, Civil Protection), and by the security service of the organization. The test will feature a career doctor and the Red Cross service.

Art. 11.- Control – The control of the Test will be in charge of the committee of judges of the F.A.I.B, ​​that will be the ones in charge of the control and classifications. The control of results will be carried out by means of the System of ChampionChip.

Art. 12.- Image rights – The organization may use images, videos and sounds of the participants during the test, including moments before and after, from the collection of bibs, delivery of prizes and transfer of the participants.

Art. 13.- Acceptance of the regulations – The simple fact of registering the event implies full acceptance of these regulations, as well as other provisions that for any reason may be determined by the organization. The organization of the event is not responsible for all situations or actions that may arise outside its competence or for which it is not directly responsible.

Art.14.- Claims – Any claim must be addressed to the referee of the test in writing, within 30 minutes of the publication of the official results and accompanied by a payment of 100 euros for their acceptance. If the claim is approved, the amount of that claim will be refunded.